Happy New Year 2023/2024

The new year is almost here, and we would like to express our gratitude to our customers, partners, and employees for making 2023 a great year. We had a busy year and had to hire extra workforce to meet the demand. We are grateful to both our long-time employees and the new arrivals who helped us achieve our goals.
In 2023 we exhibited at AGTS in Kampala, Uganda and AgriTechnica in Hannover, Germany. In 2024 you’ll find us at GEAPS in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and Victam Asia in Bangkok, Thailand. We will also visit Nordic Organic Food Fair in Stockholm, Sweden.
In 2023 Peer Hansen and team travelled around the world visiting existing system sites, partners, old and new customers alike.
Managing Director Solvejg Kristen won an award for Women in Agriculture, which was presented at AgriTechnica Fair 2023.
We look forward to an exciting 2024 together.
Best regards, The iGRAIN Team