Temperature and Moisture Sensor Lance
iGRAIN Temperature and Moisture Sensor Lance is for spot-checking in smaller storage sites or for permanent monitoring of flat stores or grain piles.
The lances are designed with advanced features and comes in several configurations. The lances have a rugged handle that makes it easy to insert into the grain. It is a flexible fiberglass rod, coated with a smooth surface and it comes in different lengths for various applications.
The iGRAIN Moisture Sensor Lance can be used to determine the grain moisture concentration in addition to temperature monitoring.
The lances can be connected in series and data readings from several lances can be taken at a central data collection point by the iGRAIN Handheld Reader or connected individually to our iGRAIN Sub-Hubs for integration into iGRAIN network systems.
- Superior digital technology
- Moisture, temperature and moisture + temperature lances
- Flexible fiberglass rods
- For iGRAIN Handheld Reader and iGRAIN network systems
- A variety of connection cables for the lances i.e. lance to junction box / iGRAIN Sub-Hub, lance to handheld reader and lance to lance in various lengths and for outdoor installation.
Technical Specifications:
Temperature Lances
- Measuring range: Temperature range: -20 °C to +70 °C, resolution 0.3 °C
- Sensor 1,0 m length 1 sensor
- Lances 1,8 m length 2 sensors
- 8 m length 3 sensors
Moisture Lances
- Relative humidity (moisture): 0 – 99 % or grain moisture: 8 – 24% grain moisture
- Sensor 1.0 m length 1 sensor
- Lances 1.8 m length 2 sensors
- 8 m length 3 sensors
We also provide a special insertion sensor lance for monitoring temperature, moisture, and CO2. This lance is used for monitoring of special products typically stored in a small steel container. Typical applications include monitoring of: beans, nuts, coffee, coco and other high-value commodities. Please get our application team to support you in defining the best solution for your application.
We have a large and exclusive pool of scientific and practical expertise from tailoring and applying post-harvest solutions in any climate zone worldwide, and we shall be honored to serve you.
Please contact our sales and application team at info@i-grain.net for further information and a quote to suit your specific needs; we work together for safe crop for the world!
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